With galleries opening again on the 17th May, we are very looking forward to seeing some artwork again, as the artist intended (not confined to a screen!).
As artists have been so limited this year during our global pandemic and the restrictions due to lockdown, will artists find the transition difficult? Their exhibition ability has been confined to a screen, setting up an image on Instagram and pushing ‘post’. Has the wall of the internet and th
e sense of security that artists have gotten used to, changed the way artists prefer to exhibit?
Painter Dmitry Artyukhin, although welcoming of online exhibitions – finds that they aren’t as ideal for his practice as exhibiting in a gallery. As an artist whose practice revolves around emotions and feelings, Dmitry finds that without the social interaction in a gallery, he does not receive very important feedback that supports his artwork progression. He also feels that his artwork is not received with the same impact as if it were in a gallery – that the viewer doesn’t really feel the art as it should be felt.
Many may argue, however, that art that is exhibited online can reach a wider audience, people from all over the world can access online artwork – whereas artwork in a gallery can only be accessed to those who are willing to travel. Digital designers such as Amber Day, have for this reason had the opportunity to grow their practice this year, with everything digital, their artwork is easily accessible and often are predominantly created to be used on a screen.
Amber Day/ Visbii — “Busy Being Human”
So to get yourself prepared for 17th May and galleries opening, here are some upcoming exhibitions to look forward to!