On behalf of all the team at Quite Great PR we just would like to congratulate everyone involved in the Jack Leslie campaign. One from the Quite Great archives Jack Leslie Statue Charity PR including Matt Tiller and his fundraising team for hitting their goal of £100,000.
We have been proud to help the campaign. As a Music PR Company since 1996 we have a back ground in helping Charity and Music Projects grow
Over the past few weeks promoting the poignant ‘Ballad of Jack Leslie’ and would like to thank The Hawksbee and Jacobs Show on Talk Sport.
The Daily Star , Sky Sports, Sky News , BBC and Independent Local Radio.
Especially BBC Devon as well as Paul Doyle at The Guardian . Who have helped support the Jack Leslie Charity pr campaign whilst we have been involved.
Contact UK Charity PR Agency Quite Great
Jack Leslie: Black footballer statue campaign reaches goal on BBC.
Thanks to you all and sorry if we have missed anyone.
We are so happy to have been a small part of the awareness building, and proud of all the campaigners./
Most of all we are so proud of Jack Leslie and his family . Thanks so much to you all.
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