Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK
The Quite Great brand team spend all their time thinking of creative and structured ideas to help all types of businesses from start ups to major websites, to clothing brands through to drinks and food companies for many years since we formed in 1996 WWW.QUITEGREAT.CO.UK has been helping the likes of The Health Lottery, Ubisoft, Tmti, Sony, Universal, Munchy Seeds, Coles Traditional Foods and many more launch music related projects or projects that need headline grabbing ideas and it is clear that without a coherent marketing viewpoint to support your pr promotion within the UK things are more than likely destined to fail.
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK
Localised Brand PR & Marketing
One of the key areas we look to really build on with a localised campaign and one of the key areas that can benefit localised brand pr and marketing is to fully understand the growth in Community based tv and radio, once you understand the way they work a team like QUITE GREAT are able to build from the ground up developing these broadcast community links and then local print media then expanding your brand pr and marketing into the national mainstream, it therefore is wise to look in depth at the way this sector works hence information on their site is vital and could be the difference between a successful brand launch and one that falls flat.
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK
Recognising that Community Media is rooted in an ethos of inclusivity and universal access to opportunity, and that it is sourced and produced by organisations, by individuals and by informal groups, whether characterised by geography, interest, ethnicity, age, gender or social background;
Recognising that the production, practice and content of Community Media foster greater understanding among communities, including those most marginalised and support peace, tolerance, democracy and development.
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK
- Promote the right to communicate, foster freedom of expression and freedom to form and confront opinions, assist the free flow of information and opinions, encourage creative expression, contribute to the democratic process and to a pluralist society.
- Provide access to training, production and distribution facilities, encourage creative talent and foster local traditions and culture, provide services for the benefit, entertainment, education, engagement and development of the wider community.
- Seek to have their ownership representative of local geographically recognisable communities or of communities of common interest.
- Be editorially independent of government, commercial interests, religious institutions and political parties.
- Honestly inform an audience on the basis of information drawn from various sources, and provide a right of reply to any person or organisation who is or may be subject to serious misrepresentation.
- Ensure a right of access to production facilities and platforms for minority and marginalised groups, in order to promote and protect cultural diversity.
- Be established as not-for-profit organisations, which reinvest any surplus and ensure their independence by being financed from a variety of sources.
- Recognise and respect the contribution of volunteers, affirm the right of paid workers to join appropriate trade unions and provide equally satisfactory working conditions for all.
- Operate management, programming and employment practices that oppose discrimination, promote equality, and are open and accountable to all.
- Promote and foster improved communication and partnership working in the community media sector, building networks at all levels to further develop good practice and strengthen communities.
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK aims to offer brand pr and marketing for all our clients giving even the smallest start up all they need to market and promote their company , brand or website. If you need our team to help you gain coverage then we hope the information on community media acts as a starting point on helping you develop realistic benefits for your brand via pr and marketing in your local media and we stress the Quite Great Brand pr team have in depth knowledge of local and national print and broadcast media.
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK market your brand in the UK creatively and in a structured but fun way , simplifying otherwise complex messages , helping to grow media attention and drive sales. Our world is like a department store helping brands to market and sell , from fashion to gadgets, food to mobile apps, drink to independent movies , classic tv shows to home and leisure, creatively working on ideas that hit the headlines and help our marketing guys increase sales for your brand, we celebrate diversity, our world is ‘QUITE GREAT!’
Quite Great Boutique PR Cambridge UK
Find out how Quite Great can get your band noticed – contact us today. We offer music PR and brand services. See our client list here.
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