PR may seem straight forward but how do you work around a huge stumbling block – in this case, the fact that an artist has fallen completely out of fashion but expectations still sky high? Here’s Pete to explain how to think big…Read more
PR may seem straight forward but how do you work around a huge stumbling block – in this case, the fact that an artist has fallen completely out of fashion but expectations still sky high? Here’s Pete to explain how to think big…Read more
We spend a large proportion of our time here at Quite Great PR building pr and marketing campaigns for bands/musicians across the world in an attempt to increase their media attention. Each day we deal with maybe four or five acts seeking our services and they all ask us the same question: How do weRead more
We’re really excited here at Quite Great to be working with the charming and supremely talented, Corinna Jane. But she’s not just a music aficionado, she knows her stuff about the industry too, so we thought we’d share this informative (and amusing) blog she wrote about getting to grips with the big guys. If youRead more
Quite Great work with a number of charities and good causes in order to help fund raising efforts through the medium of music and the key for these sorts of campaigns is making sure the message is simple. Heartfelt soul-singer, Melissa James, encapsulated this idea with her SING4SANE campaign that aimed to raise awareness andRead more
Here at Quite Great, there is one thing that we always say to bands who seek our services: make your online presence visible. This is fundamental, even before you have thought about booking gigs and searching for a label. In this day and age, if someone likes your music, the first place they are goingRead more
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