Ready to enjoy May Day weekend and find new art and photography installations and events
We’re all looking forward to a great May Day weekend this year, after a hugely challenging year for us all but the weather’s getting better, the days are longer and we deserve to celebrate, re-charge our batteries and generally relax.
History of May Day
So what is the history of May Day? Celebrations go back to pre-Christian times.
As well as also having its roots in astronomy, as a point in between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.
This affinity with nature and folklore customs plays a huge role in this traditional celebration.
In the middle ages all the traditional villages had their Maypoles.
Where towns would hold competitions to see who had the best Maypole.
A whole day of celebrations was one of the highlights of the year.
Of course who would not want to continue these celebrations as much as possible and Oxford’s tradition of this day has always been one of the most memorable.
Photographer David Hicks images of his days in Oxford, enjoying the May Day celebrations are full of the fun of May Day.
Capturing those moments of celebration, which only a professional photographer can.
Noticing the moments many of us would not appreciate in quite the same way.
UK PR AGENCY Photographers
May Day Photographs by David Hicks UK PR AGENCY Photographers
All of that makes for a fun, if not chaotic day, but sadly for the second year running this ancient celebration will be virtual.
A day heralding the onset of summer and a day of celebration.
This is something we could all do with this year and although we can’t celebrate.
As we may have done in years gone by nevertheless it is a time to be positive.
With Covid restrictions lifting and hopefully some warmer, sunnier days in-store and a good long bank holiday weekend!
Enjoy your May Day Bank Holiday weekend, relax, re-charge and have fun!
Quite Great PR
For many years, Quite Great has worked with many artists, photographers and charity organisations.
Covering all types and styles of art as well as environmental and public issues.
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