If you ever have a chance to look at Quite Great google reviews. Quite Great Best Music Marketing Agency Thinking nails it. A creative music marketing agency, spend so much time working within budgets outlined by their clients. To help them release music and build media attention and we also spend a great deal of time making sure they do not spend too much money.
On each release pattern we work within as it is vital to understand that as a band or an artist at all levels. Whether it be signed or unsigned music artist , that you are running a business.
Yes, the music is vital , but as an unsigned band for example you may be better off selling merchandise than downloads.
As a signed act to a major label or an indie label this is where the headaches can really start as although it is not your money.
Once the label has spent time on developing you , there will be a financial equation that comes home to roost.
It is sales against outgoings. If the label has spent more than they recouped/unrecouped ,during the timeframe of the agreement .
Then you are likely to not have a label for much longer. As that is truly the harsh reality of the Music Industry.
Most labels, however passionate they may be about your music, are also a business.
Part of that business is the banking or accounting side.
On many occasions once the media attention gathered translates into sales and is measured against the money.
The label have put into your music, then they may well feel there is no more risk.
They pull the plug in the same way.
As if you had borrowed from your local bank if you were running any type of business.
Build up your own revenue streams before signing to a label.
Do all you can to understand how to build monetary streams from online activity.
Register to gain your PRS , MCPS etc..
If you do not know how your band or music makes money then at some stage you will come un-stuck.
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