The effect and influence of social media and PR for Interior Design is now stronger than ever. Making full use of the power of these areas such as Instagram for regular video updates.
Building your followers is now vital. Having many years of experience with a variety of interior design businesses, fine art auctioneers, artists and photographers. We know at Quite Great PR and Marketing Agency how important PR is. For Interior Design companies, designers and artists.
Interior designers such as Abigail Ahern’s regular updates are a great example of how to maximise your PR in social media. Instagram videos of you and your products in situ are so effective!
Even better if you are invited inside a designer’s home and inspired by their enthusiasm! The personal bond is then created and you really feel the designer wants to help you. Make the most of your home with their knowledgeable tips. Abigail’s kitchen renovation, from sliding oven doors to trailing succulents, was so addictive!
This kind of PR is fantastic and the growing viewers obviously can hopefully turn into buyers. As well as more PR opportunities, whether in the press, radio or TV as popularity grows.
Cruella Reborn by Gary Nicholls
Balloon Hang by Gary Nicholls
The competition from the ever expanding talents of designers both in the UK and of course worldwide is immense. So exciting. But how to make your designs stand out from the rest? The most important question and undoubtedly PR can make a huge difference to your success. Personalising your products with the designer’s knowledge and style is often key and then.
Expanding on this personal PR – we all like to get to know the people we are buying off. Trusting their tastes and styles. There are so many options, but unless you can shout through the crowds. No-one will know about your company, PR can help you achieve this.
Lisa Freeman-Bassett – PR Manager
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