Need Best Classical Music PR Thinking then read this from our blog archive. Then email us I have been lucky to run a company that has had a reputation for creative thinking. Being able on many occasions to help artists grab extensive media attention and get into the charts. But without the talent, all the ideas in the world will not generate sales.
It is odd that it is musical genres like Classical Music PR and Folk PR that have brought about the most creative thinking. Especially classical music and wonderful labels like Decca etc ..
Being asked to help develop a pr plan for a young unknown classical singer from Manchester called Russell Watson. Was one of the high points in our Classical Music PR history. The other ‘high’ point being linking with the European Space Station. To promote a classical music streaming event with The Three Tenors.
Anyway it was the beauty and simplicity of the boy from the tough side of town. With a voice like an angel that inspired his manager to nickname him ‘The Voice’. Then the wonderful idea for a classical artist, a duet with Shaun Ryder!!! But in turn, it resulted in a defining TV appearance on Chris Evans’ TFI Friday, and a long career was born.
Best Classical Music PR Thinking
These simple ideas allowed us to do our job effectively. Most of all the label allowed the manager the freedom to work with his chosen team. In the way he wished, and with the artist at the centre of everything. There was a uniform and coordinated structure that allowed real media impact.
Then there are the truly left-field classical PR ideas. Such as the wonderful Icelandic tenor, Cortes. With whom we helped build an audience for in the UK by focusing on his great looks. As his fabulous voice was already a given. We then created media buzz around a huge street poster in Oxford Street. This was followed up shortly by a great deal of back page activity. That stated he had been asked to inspire the West Ham team. Prior to a big game by the then Icelandic owners.
UK classical Music Promotions Agency Quite Great UK classical Music Marketing
We love what we do so if you need help check out the classical section of our site.
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