Quite Great Music Promotions Mental Health in the Music Industry vents-mag-talks-to-quite-great-about-mental-health-in-the-music-industry vents-mag-talks-to-quite-great-about-mental-health-in-the-music-industry/Read more
Quite Great Music Promotions Mental Health in the Music Industry vents-mag-talks-to-quite-great-about-mental-health-in-the-music-industry vents-mag-talks-to-quite-great-about-mental-health-in-the-music-industry/Read more
The exciting announcement that the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts will be proceeding their 139th Annual exhibition. Surely gives us the perfect opportunity to look at some of the masters of Irish art and how their work. Has influenced the history of art through the years. Quite Great BEST UK PR Boutique Cambridge PR AgencyRead more
On behalf of all the team at Quite Great PR we just would like to congratulate everyone involved in the Jack Leslie campaign. One from the Quite Great archives Jack Leslie Statue Charity PR including Matt Tiller and his fundraising team for hitting their goal of £100,000. We have been proud to help the campaign.Read more
Green Issues PR Agency We the People Save our Ancient Woodlands is a campaign seeking to halt the biggest deforestation in Britain since World War 1. Which could devastate 108 Ancient Woodlands, 693 Local Wildlife Sites and 33 Sites of Special Scientific Interest. he HS2 rail line will irreplaceably and unnecessarily cut downRead more
Need Music PR Radio? Check out this then drop us an email ask@quitegreat.co.uk .We work with you on your campaign plan before we even start. So you can see exactly the areas of the media we are targeting. Getting your songs on radio of any size is vital. But needs to be part of aRead more
One from the archive covering Best Boutique PR UK Tips, Contact ask@quitegreat.co.uk to see how we can help. We spend a great deal of time working out how to focus on a market and direct a simple to understand message. In order to drive sales, we found this interesting article from The Ashridge Business SchoolRead more
The effect and influence of social media and PR for Interior Design is now stronger than ever. Making full use of the power of these areas such as Instagram for regular video updates. Building your followers is now vital. Having many years of experience with a variety of interior design businesses, fine art auctioneers, artistsRead more
Art PR UK Valentines Tip Need Art PR UK Valentines Tip , if you need Art PR . Read this blog from our archive and email us. Valentine’s Day, named after Saint Valentine, a Roman Catholic priest in the 3rd Century.Has developed over the years into this day of love and not just love forRead more
UK INTERIORS PR TIPS ? Running a company is always challenging and with so many outgoings.It can sometimes be difficult to prioritise budgets and decide where to spend your hard earned money. Without understanding PR, Art and Home Interiors companies may not appreciate the worth of PR. But why taken any notice of us whenRead more
Quite Great Green PR Agency news archive blog Quite Great PR and Naturewatch Foundation today announce their collaboration in supporting World Animal Day on 4th October. It’s now widely accepted and celebrated in a variety of different ways in many countries. Making it a key platform for raising the status of animals around the globe.Read more
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