Is O2’s Grandma the best Christmas gift for small businesses this year?
With the festive period on the horizon the Boutique PR Agency Quite Great PR team
Felt Christmas had come early with the announcement of O2’s innovative answer to fraudsters!
Daisy is the grandma we all need answering our calls.
She is the AI granny wasting scammers time on their persistent daily calls
To try and keep them away from potential victims.
As a leading Boutique PR Agency for the UK Quite Great have seen a 30% rise in examples.
Given to them by Charities through to Startups.
Of regular weekly attempts from scammers to defraud money from their enterprises.
The standard email scams, which tend to number around fifteen a day for small businesses.
Along with three or four phone calls, not only are a worrying aspect of every business owner’s life.
This can take up many hours each week of staff valuable working time.
As well as the time and financial efforts companies are now experiencing.
As many brands are having to take on regular training sessions to combat this wave of potential destruction.
This is a problem all businesses and private landlines have to deal with every day.
And it is about time we all worked together to turn the tables.
As an International and also National Boutique UK PR Agency dealing with all areas of PR from Music PR and Art PR to Charity and Food PR.
Therefore these are the kind of calls our clients just do not have time for.
So we’re ready to advise all our clients to either pull up a chair for Daisy.
Or remember to hang up or not even answer numbers you do not recognise!
With so many daily victims to these scammers we all need to be vigilant and also with Christmas approaching.
No doubt the scammers will also increase.
More and more of our clients from corporate PR to also Charities are telling us about their daily annoyance with scammers.
So then let’s all take on Daisy as head of our scammer alert team.
Naturally also if you are looking to work with a Boutique PR Agency for the UK contact us at