Need Band Best Music PR Promotion ? If so read this blog from our archive. Then drop us an email . The first step to becoming the biggest band in the world is to become the biggest band in your street. Start the buzz, experiment, don’t worry about the major venue head for a street near you and build your audience. Don’t worry initially about the data capturing just get out there and feel the lack of interest from the public. Understand how much they just do not care about what you are doing. Check out their eyes as they make a determined effort not to take any notice of you. Band Best Music PR Promotion.
Now it is important to remember that your aim is to become the biggest noise in music down your street first. Naturally you will need to move quite quickly but the experience will be truly fulfilling as friends and family. To next door neighbours etc are vital in building your understanding of what you are all about. Again don’t forget this process of street building is likely to take a month maximum,. You need to be motivated, invite your neighbours old, young and those in between to come to your front garden. Back garden, garage and hear you and see you for no longer than twenty minutes. Just a taster, just a tester, just a way to get a feeling for what you will be unleashing soon.
Now this is where you ask them to bring their phones and interact with the birth of a soon to be legend. This kind of event is also worth informing your local paper about. As again if it is a truly quiet day and you have families attending. There is a chance that you will get your first media attention – why should this happen?
Well, in part because you made the effort to contact them,. If they do not turn up make sure you take hi-res images of the event. The odder the better and send them to the picture desk of your local paper with just a few words basically telling them to contact you. If your timing is right you will end up in your local paper. Then being interviewed on your local afternoon show on the BBC.
You are creating something interesting , not very interesting admittedly but interesting enough on a slow news day to draw attention to yourselves and yes ok now it is fine to mention social media from this point as long as you have gone to the effort of making sure your bands name/artist name is emblazoned on the backdrop of the photo, fence, house, garage door, in the trees etc.
Also another tip, with the photo maker sure it is a. In focus b. Interesting . c. Fits a headline; ie snappy one-liner to make the sub editor’s job easier, then you are on your first step to world domination!
contact and see if we can help you .
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